kuala lumpur: klcc.

Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia.

My journey today is along the Kuala Lumpur's Golden Triangle which is the city's main shopping hub.

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Petronas Twin Tower. Malaysia's pride and joy. This skyscraper costs 1.6 Billion USD to make. But over the years one can't deny that it is a tremendous investment tourism wise for the country.


I swear the place seems to change everytime I come here. Land development never seems to stop.

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KL is not very big, so it makes sense for them to build these huge buildings to accomodate.

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This is where we stayed. The suite was very comfortable. A living hall, 2 very large bedrooms and a kitchen.

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It is still early in the morning but the LRT station is absolutely packed with people.

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I figure most of the are out shopping since it's the end of the month and most had just received their salaries.

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Not being a KL native, I kind of struggled to adapt travelling by train. First, the ticket booth was so confusing that I spent several minutes looking at the maps, not knowing what to press. Second, at the check in counter, I did not know that you have to scan the ticket chips to get inside.

But the people around are helpful. Always ask if you're lost during travel. You absolutely must to save valuable time.

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I liked the look of our taxis. I think that a red,blue Proton Saga turned taxi is such an iconic image of KL the same way the yellow cabs are to New York City.

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KLCC Park. The story was that the park's designer wanted to give greenery around the park so that in his words "leave the world a little more sensitive and a little more educated to the importance of nature.

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You can see people jogging and walking, children playing by the playground, families having a picnic - just like a nice park should.

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Lots of school children here today. I'm thinking there's a school trip going on.

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One can't help but notice all these towering skyscrapers surrounding the park.


Next to the Twin Tower is Maxis Tower, the headquarter for one of this country's leading telco company.  Speaking of telco companies do you know that phone SMS are basically free profit for these telco companies? 

A text message is at max 160 characters. In a computer system, 1 character = 1 byte. So at most a text message could be 160 bytes. The data for an SMS is so small that a 0.5 second phone call is equivalent to 1000 phone SMS.

Outside of maintenance cost, they are having a healthy profit for each SMS sent.

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Lots and lots of people around the lake. The lake is named Lake Symphony.

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A group of photographers doing a photoshooting outing.

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You can tell how diverse our country really is from these pictures.

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There's an event of sort happening here. My sister said she saw a celebrity (Maya Karin I think,my memory seems to fail me today) amongst the crowd.


Inside Suria KLCC.


We actually skipped shopping in Suria KLCC because our plan all along is to shop around Bukit Bintang. The most famous place there is Pavilion Shopping Centre which is where we are going now.

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We are going there by foot.

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The pedestrian walkway connects KLCC & Bukit Bintang. This project was supported fully by Petronas which in their words,  is a way of them giving back to the community.
The walkway is fully air conditioned.

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The walk took us about 10 minutes. That was at a very leisurely pace as well. Security guards are aplenty so the walkway feels very safe.

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Personally I think we need more projects like this. Anything that benefits the public is something to root for.

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The walkway ends here.

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I'm sure this place has a specific name, I can't for the life of me find the correct info for this place.

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Lots of expensive looking restaurants and bars here.

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I was told that come afternoon, the place will be packed with people notably tourists.

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This is Pavilion Shopping Centre. One of if not the most famous shopping centre in KL.

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We we decided against going inside at this moment. My sister decided that she wants to go somewhere else first. "Too find some clothes first", in her words.

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I just agreed and followed.

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We walked forward and I thought we were in a different country for one second here. The surroundings, the architecture are very foreign. I asked my aunt, who were with us from the beginning if she felt the same and she nodded.

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I am sure we were not the only ones thinking that way.

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One last look before we move on.

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Just a random picture.

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For all intense and purposes, KL's transportation system is quite good. LRTs, buses, taxis are aplenty. But I'm sure much more improvements can be made - especially regarding LRTs.

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This was the place she's eager to go to, Lot 10 Shopping Mall. The mall was packed inside. People moved around like a pack of stucked sardines. I tried some clothes, even wanting to buy one but cancelled my desire after seeing how long the que was. Even the fitting room was packed and people were trying clothes on the fly around the mall.

Still the atmosphere was something you don't experience everyday.

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After all is said and done we went out, and walk back towards Pavilion.

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I'm glad because to be honest, the place doesn't fit me anyway. I was never a clothes guy anyway. Most of my clothes were bought by my mom.

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The weather was hot. Thankfully it was just a short walk to Pavi, about 200 metres in my estimation.

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Let's get inside before I'm dehydrated.

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The place is huge. We splitted up and I followed my mom window shopping.

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View from the third floor.


I followed her shopping for shoes (though at the end of the day she didn't buy any.).....


And find some ornaments and garnish for the house.

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After all is said and done, we stopped by Dr Mahathir's bakery franchise The Loaf. I have to say the breads here tasted delicious. Well worth a stop.

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The variaties of bread here are staggering.

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And of course, we stopped by a nearby souvenir stall and bought us some souvenirs. I bought 2 t-shirts for myself. One blue and one black.

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It was a fun trip.

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Actually, sgt bangga jugak ngan klcc sbb lama jugak pegang title mnra tertinggi kan. Kira lama la,heh3. Yg best sebab ia nya twin. Pastu, kalau beli buku2 mcm 100 marvels modern of d wrld, terselit jugak klcc dalam salah satu 100 tu,hehehe

Kan ad part kolam tu, ada kanak2 boleh mandi kan? time sekolah rndh, kemain la lana berenang mcm pe tah kat situ,hahaha. dah la cetek, badan plak besar, budget berenang tu dah mcm atlit,hahaha. Dengan adik skali..best sgt.rmai plak tu parents bawak anak memasing mandi.

Lupa, ni pi time chinese new yr hri tu eh?

betul2, wrna biru merah tu patut jdi lambang teksi kat mlysia ni. mcm yellow cab..cuma kena baiki servis la. Tmpt yg am tak ingt nama tu..err..macam scene dlm filem the viral factor la...

Bnyk lagi tmpt tak pi ni am, hi3
My recent post Aurat - Titik Permulaan
3 replies · active 624 weeks ago
Kolam tu am waktu kecik2 selalu jugak mandi situ, sebab dulu ada mak sedara duduk KL jadi selalu la jugak turun. Sekarang dia dah pindah Kelantan.

Aah datang time Chinese New Year :D Funny la nak naik LRT ni, daripada TBS lagi dah blur dan sesat.

Nantila kalau cuti amek gambo tempat lain dekat KL cam Jalan Masjid India camtu, biasa datang KL 3-4 kali je setahun Lana. :(
hehehe, am tak biasa.. takpa..biasala tu kalau sesat...yg lana ni dah biasa pun salah jugak kengkdg tu..LRT Putra n STAR memg ad 'kecelaruan' skit, pernah lana tersilap tmpt menunggu train, dah ketempat lain jadinya..

My recent post Aurat - Titik Permulaan
Time sekali tu am ada naik KTM nak ke stesen UKM. Dalam train tu memang dah jauh nak sampai dah stesen UKM, ada sorang mamat yang duduk berdekatan yang tanya, "dik ni nak ke arah Subang ke?" Camtula pertanyaan dia tapi yang pasti dia salah train. Kesian gila kot.
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
kebetulan, saya ke KLCC tengah hari tadi dan melalui pedestrian walkway tersebut... huhu mujur kita tak bertembung ya.. ehh, klu bertembung pun bukannya kenal ye tak? :-)
My recent post F1 sepang : metal in action
nice view
My recent post Kisah RM10
cantik :D haritu jalan jalan kat situ jugak, dari pavi nak ke klcc. and actually ade shortcut tanpa perlu naik jambatan tu, hehee :)

ada mase nanti boleh tunjuk :)
1 reply · active 625 weeks ago
Jalan singkat tu kalau tak silap lalu Hotel Novotel dengan Wisma UOA tu eh?
hoh0o0~ best tul teng0k entri abang~ ada mcm2 gambor~
huhuuu~ saya tak penah gi pavi. kawan2 slalu sebut2 tempat tu. cantik~~~ <3
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Hohoho thanks dik. Mahal barang-barang kat situ dik. :P
wao! a great trip. :D
"Just a random picture." love it. cuz i'm a die hard fan of superbike. hohho~
sy tringin nak pergi pavilion, lot 10. just for window shopping. :)
sy ni...kata ja dok mlaysia. lrt, komuter, monorail x penah naik. huhu..
My recent post Balik Kampung &amp; Cinta Kau dan Aku
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
awak kalau ada masa, dan duit dan tempat tinggal berjalanla. Untuk pengalaman, untuk kenal orang - nanti jadi lagi matang kot. Serius.
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
wahhh ohsemnye semua gambaq2 kat sini !
mcm ana ni lagi la -- pegi KL boleh kira..
last year penah p pon sekali je. tu pun sbb
ada kursus.. selain pd tu mmg xdak la nk p sana..
Lot 10 , Pavi tu semua ape tah lagi.. mmg rare la
kalo ana ni dpt pegi hehe
Lama sangat dah tak pergi KL. Rindu KL yang crowded.
My recent post Of First Love and Homesickness
KLCC a nice,clean and modern eg of what KL should be.
My recent post Food in Laos
Tiap-tiap hari tengok KLCC sebab pejabat hanya berhadapan dengan ikon negara ni. Apa-apa pun suatu travel yang sangat menarik untuk dikongsikan.
wow... rasa macam jalan2 kat KL plak bila baca this entry..akak yg keje area KL ni pun jarang redah.. btw, nice shots la dik n TQ for visiting my blog ^_^
My recent post Positive To Recover - V
Nice post. Helpfull for first timer in KL. :)
My recent post Sape yang bungux!?
mmg bayk lagi tempat2 yng menarik kat KL n kawasan2 sekitarnyer hehehe
My recent post Kesuma Angsana 1st Anniversary
Tersangat cantik.. dh tak kenal tempat kt kl sebab nampak bersih :)
Proud to be malaysian btw cantik gambar. photographer eh
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Thanks thanks. Bukan jurugambar pun, student. Tapi memang minat amek gambo sejak beli kamera ni setahun lepas.
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
WOW! Malaysia ku memang indah dan cantik ^__^ no wonder ramai pelancong suka melancong di sini
lama tak pergi KLCC...
dulu selalu jgak shopping kat sana..
My recent post Suamiku is Chef !!
semua gambar nampak hidup :)
kurang stress bila tengok gambar-gambar cantik
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
I'm glad to help, walaupun sikit. ^___^
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
aaa lame dh x g klcc. n pavi haz x pernh pg pun... >.<'
Cendol berasa tersangat sukanya tengok gambar2 ni.cantiknya gambar.rindu sangattt nak melihat bangunan2 tu lagiii.nak balik Malaysia!!
bestnye DR Arham dah tahun 5..Cendol baru tahun 1.study alhamdulillah okay.InshaAllah bln 5 ni Cendol exam final.Doakan Cendol ye pakcik DR Arham
My recent post The Choosen One @_@
Salam Am....
Lama tak dengar cerita! Cuti ke sekarang ni?
OKje tak suka tengok pic KLCC tu...... tapi suka tengok pic green kt klcc park tu.... nampak tenang dan damai...
sedapnya nampak roti........ jarang nampak kat kedai roti biasa tu....

** Am dulu MRSM ke ? berbowling kat jalan Bakri bagai ..... tu area kg OKje tu...
My recent post BOWLING .....
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Waalaikumsalam, takla dah sebulan lebih dah start kelas. :)

Am dulu form 1 sampai form 5 dekat High School Muar.
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
Jalan2 pusing Kuala Lumpur. Hehe

ini yang komen kata pergi kinokuniya tu ye? :)
My recent post Wordless Wednesday : Pesta Kasut jom!
1 reply · active 624 weeks ago
Kinokuniya tu pergi time lain pulak. haha.
My recent post kuala lumpur: klcc.
puteri suka singgah sini sebab suka tengok pictures yang am snap..the view nampak sangat menarik. Memang am minat fotografi eh?
My recent post Keek? Apakah Itu?
pic cntik2 la..
nampak cantik dalam gambar
My recent post Kewujudan Bunyi Tikus
lawa gambar landscape tu.

lamanya tak melepak ke kota yg sesak tu.

thanks ya....dtg jengah ke blog hamba tu. salam kenal
My recent post Misi Gagal
a lot of pics...with a lot of nice story..
My recent post Dilemma seorang graduan
all the place i was been there...so awesome ! like crazy to jalan2...hahaha
My recent post Sticky Love Notes 2
aq tak pernah jemu lagi nak shoot KLCC.. sebab byk angle boleh amek..hahhahha
My recent post siri STOKIN and babies #16: kak ciku, abang ciki dan adik kenit
suka la baca post yang banyak gambar and simple . nice . btw , bangga jadi rakyat malaysia :)
My recent post Semangat Nak Study
Simple n interesting post. Congrat bro.. keep going.. keep growing n keep praying
Hey bro, thanks for dropping my blog. Very nice blog you have here.

Reading this post and seeing the photos really make me miss my teenage years! KL is just a convenient 2.5 bus ride away from Ipoh so I used to go there with friends during the school holidays. Good times :)
weeehehehe Cendol dah betul kan grammer yg salah tu pokcik!! terima kasih kerana menegur ^__^
My recent post Pengalaman Pertama
lovely pictures, this is kuala lumpur we proud of.. This is amazing images of KL. Tq.
My recent post Sepohon kayu daunnya rimbun.
exam start 5.5 dekat doh!! jauhnye perjalanan ni nak smpai ke tahap pokcik ni dah taun 5.Mabruk!
black out jarang2 boh.kalau black out kompem tido awal.nak buka buku pun tak nampak.mukabuku je yg nampak.
My recent post __/|___/|____/|__/|__/|_______
Shafiqa Mohd's avatar

Shafiqa Mohd · 613 weeks ago

Damn you. I miss KL. HAHAHAHA. Kbai.
I haven't been back to KLCC for a while, since I stopped working at the city centre. Darn, I miss KLCC even more. I loved the department stores and shopping here is a dream.
My recent post Who says I don’t need a husband?
nice one

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