dublin 01: trinity college, the library and st. stephen green.

It's Wednesday and it is a beautiful day - a beautiful day in the neighborhood as Mr Rogers would call it. Here I am with my sister , after having a goodnight worth of sleep all energized to explore the best Dublin has to offer.

Our first stop will be Trinity College. You can see here the iconic Bell Tower standing tall in the backdrops of Parliament Square.

Our journey begins with a nice stroll towards the bus stop. There's approximately 15 minutes left before the bus arrives so no biggie, no need to rush at all.

We had some nice bread for breakfast. Croissant and Apple Pie. A lady said hello to us while jogging with her dog, and we passed by an old couple who seemed to enjoy the nice weather.

5 minutes left until the bus arrives. I can't stress enough the importance of downloading the Dublin Bus apps.

4 days left with the Rambler. Just one day using the bus service and I can say that it is lightyears ahead of the system we had in Malaysia. I wish that someday we can improve our public transport system up to a point where we can live without a car.

This crow landed right in front of me which caused me to fright out a bit. "The bird is bigger than I thought", I mubled to myself. Anyway the bus arrived soon after and we hopped in.

The thing is since winter is near, you have to check the weather everyday to make sure rain doesn't fall. I checked before we we went out and it's sunshine all the way throughout the day.

The mist from the glass makes for a very cool miniature like effect.

This is the station where I'm supposed to drop off yesterday. The bus is almost empty after this stop since almost everyone dropped off at this station - I should have gotten the clue yesterday.

The next station is Trinity College.

We hopped off the bus and let's go!

We're at the gate.

The patch of grass really stood out amongst the grey and white buildings on the rights and lefts.

The place is packed.

This is Parliament Square, the heart of Trinity College.

One of the main attraction here is the Book of Kells. It is regarded as Ireland's finest national treasure.

A very long line of people wanting to get inside. It is not free though, we have to pay 5 Euros ( I think) per person for entry. And since we aren't allowed to take any picture inside anyway, I passed.

There seems to be a graduation ceremony coming up.

The statue of provost George Salmon. When he was administrator he said that there would never ever be any female students in the college. He must be rolling in his grave a thousand times over by now.

Somehow I'm taking a liking to taking pictures of bicycles. Just a random story, when I was 9 my English teacher whose name is Mr Barrett once told me that one of the most difficult word that Irishmen finds difficult to spell is the word bicycle.

Here's another view of the Bell Tower again.

More and more people are coming in, and the line for the Book of Kells just keeps on getting longer and longer.

It's noon now.

I love the design of these buildings. Being from a country where most buildings considered modern, it is breath taking to see all these several hundred years building standing tall over these years.

The guards are making sure that everything went on smoothly. Here, policeman and guards are called "Garda". You may know by now that the Irish has their own languange called Gaelic. But most youngsters nowadays seemed to not know much about it. They prefer to speak and learn English.

Let's move on.

Again, I must stress that Trinners is absolutely beautiful.

Put Trinity College in you must visit list if you are to travel to Dublin.

Now I'm wondering where to go to next. After a quick though I decided that we should visit the National Library.

It was at this time that my phone automatically shuts off by itself. It was weird. I had around 70% of battery life remaining so it can't be due to battery. The phone automatically turns on again after 10-15 minutes after. This happened several times on this trip that one can't help but wonder why.

We took a picture with this Leprachaun. He seems to be collecting money for some sort of charity event.

Yet another picture of bicycles. It's just that I find them to be such a prominent part of this city that I had to include them. Walking and cycling is something that they love. Of course walking is a distant first place for them.

We're going to the National Library next. People nearby says the walk will take approximately 10 minutes.

We walked at a leisurely pace. Better let all of this sink in I thought. I noticed my sister, whose walking a bit slower than me, her head focusing on her phone and her hand non-stop typing on the screen. "Must be twitting non-stop, she must be". As for me I'm walking while reading and looking at the maps from the book that I bought a day earlier.

And we passed by a goofy looking yellow coloured boat-like truck.

Turns out the company is quite famous in Dublin. And the boat-like design is not just for show - it can both travel in land and water. Check out their website, these guys have a good sense of humor. Their write ups got a good chuckle out of me.

We're here. In the end it took us 20 minutes to get here since somehow, I got the name of the street mixed up. Asked a nice 30-something year old man, whose strolling with her 2 daughters the way to go. "Just walk straight up to the traffic, turn left, walk straight and there ya' go".

As always Dubliners are a nice bunch.

We went inside, asked the guard if we can take pictures inside the place and he said sure. But first we must put our bags in the locker provided. We did just that. This picture is taken near the stairs towards the reading chamber.

It's beautiful.

Since this library is an archive of many first edition books, lending is prohibited. Many people use this place as a reference centre.

There are also many personal notes and worksheets of famous Irish writers most notably James Joyce. Ever heard the science particle name "quark"? Well that term was taken from his novel entitled Finnegans Wake. I'd say Finnegans Wake is one of the most bizarre novel ever written. Many can't even make it past the first page.

Here's the reading chamber.

The room is eerily quite. This is a public library after all.

I think we only spent 15 minutes inside the place. But I'm content with it. Took our bags, which took longer than it should be due to me forgetting the locker's password.

We'll be going to St Stephen's Green next. What a unique looking building.

A tour bus.

We're quite near the entrance. There a lots of tourist at the entrance. Around 15-20 people. The tour guide I suppose was briefing them near the statue of Sir Arthur Edward Guinness.

We're inside the park. It is second in size next to Phoenix Park (in Dublin atleast).

This scenery is so soothing to the mind.

The grass is a bit wet, maybe that's why no people are picnicking on it. Most are taking pictures by the lake and fountain up front.


Many people are feeding the pigeons and swans and ducks with bread crumbs. Shame I didn't have any.

This scene caught my eyes. It is really cool how the animals flock around him, as if waiting to be feeded by the old man.

I absolutely love this picture.

Comments (26)

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love to see the scene in the park. the green grass, the lake, the birds. feel calm and relax :)
bicycle everywhere. the citizens in Dublin have a healthy lifestyle.
and the old man. i think he has a special aura to animals. :D
My recent post AbouT my niece and Kota Puteri
permandangan yg memukau..!
My recent post Web terjemah tulisan Rumi kepada Jawi
besttttnya dapat melihat negara orang kannnn
very nice picca & beautiful scenery....oh btw i love croissant! hee :D follow u..
My recent post Salam Maulidur Rasul 1434/2013
wow suke tengok library tu, teratur and very neat.

park tu sangat cantik, kat gambar tu swan kan? comel, macam angsa kat malaysia. tapi kalau angsa mesti dah kejar orang :D
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Besar gila kot angsa dekat dengan pakcik tu, tapi diorang tu baik-baik. Adik saya amek gambar dekat angsa tu diorang tak attack pun.
very nice view..sgt cantik..
My recent post Ahmad Adam Syukri
nice nice nice pictures. Europe crows much bigger kan, I pun takut tengok dorang ni, especially when came out in news lastime that they do attack people.
My recent post Wajah yang Ditatap
mantap, ada bus apps
My recent post Cameron, aku datang!
sgt menarik... :)
My recent post Penghabisan stok telekung cantik
it was superb! wondering when I can reach Paris though... :)
My recent post alahai Rabu :)
wah very nice...superb!
My recent post Wordless Wednesday #25 - Digi iPhone 5
Love the scenery. Lawa. The sky, the grass masyaAllah cantik. Hopefully ada rezki sampai sane someday In sya Allah.
cantiknya! and, i love the last picture too! :)
My recent post officially winter break!
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Haha ada orang Mansoura singgah sini ^__^
very very nice view..luv it 0ll.. :)
My recent post ♥ Kanvas Kenangan ♥
Before that, hello there. Im back !
Ok, no doubt la. Gamba hang semua memang like-a-pro punya gambar.
Nak komen apa pun tak tau. Memang wow !
Salute la sama hang. (Y)
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
wahh bestnyee :) lawa :) best dapat berada di negara orang jauh berjalan luas pemandangan :)
My recent post Karnival Pengajian Tinggi Negara | Jom Masuk U 2013
Cantiknya dublin ! bertuah sgt dpt g sana :)
Subhanallah. Cantiknya. Harus letak Dublin sebagai salah satu destinasi yang harus dituju.
My recent post American Sign Language

Hooooo! Tengah bercuti ea am,hohohoho.

Gila kentang best sempat lgi berjalan gi dublin,hahahaha

Seronok tgk national library..! ^_^
Lana kalau ada pluang, tmpt wajib gi kat satu2 ngra tu, national libry, ngn museum ea skali,hehehe.

Ha..makan sana mcm am?
My recent post Silap
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Kat Malaysia dah, berjalan sini pun awal bulan November tahun lepas.

Minat eh bab-bab bacaan ni? Kalau gitu mesti Lana suka part 4 untuk trip ni sebab entry tu adalah satu tribute am untuk sorang penulis Irish ni nama dia James Joyce.

Library takde pergi pun sebab adik prefer berjalan tengok pemandangan dan window shopping.

Sana banyak restoran halal, sebab Muslim community sana ramai, tapi mahal la kalau convert, macam sekali macam adala 7 - 8 Euro. Duit Euro ni kena darab 4.2 untuk dapatkan equivalentnya dalam ringgit so kirala ya.
Emmm.... OKje nak tanya Am.... Apa seronoknya pergi negara orang eh Am selain dpd culture yg berbeza? Mungkin lain orang lain gayanyakan....
1 reply · active 632 weeks ago
Banyak sebab kak, antaranya kan:
Banyak sebab kak, antaranya kan:

1 - Sebab utama bagi am sebab am nak tengok dunia. Ada banyak tempat dekat Bumi ni yang kita tak pernah terbayang pun wujud,
Contoh tengok pantai Kerang dekat Damietta, Mesir ni: http://i.imgur.com/KnckVPJ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/YY91sji.jpg

Lepastu tengok pemadangan dekat Bagan, Vietnam ni. http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee43/Mujahid-i...

2 - Rasa kalau berbual dengan orang Eropah, atau Canada ke, atau US ke sebab diorang ni jenis kuat berjalan - baru kita tahu betapa kecilnya skop pemikiran kita.
Serius,kalau berbual dengan diorang, pengalaman diorang berjalan dekat negara miskin macam Laos, melancong dekat negara yang membangun macam Korea, pergi ke negara yang selalu bergolak macam Dhaka, akan buat kita rasa macam kita ni kerdil sangat, katak bawah tempurung bak peribahasa kita.

3 - Macam am, tempat yang am nak pergi dan memang akan pastikan pergi adalah Yellowstone dekat USA. Insyaallah. Rasa nak duduk sebulan dekat situ je.

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