I have to say it's nice to finally see some green scenery.

A view above the city of Doha, Qatar. Took this on my flight back. Stayed in the airport for 5 hours as a transit passager.

Summer holiday is quite short this year. I'm planning to make full use of it.

The constant calling from mom, the dishes to wash, the clothes to fold - it's the little things that makes me miss home.

Started reading Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. Heard
lots of good things about Murakami online, so my expectations are quite high. He is know for a sense of surrealism in his writing.

It’s kind of ironic really, because Norwegian Wood, the most normal and realistic of all his novel is one that brought him to fame.

Went back to Kelantan and Terengganu for a day via flight. Senai Airport had undergone a major renovation and the results are stunning.

The waiting area is very comfortable. Had breakfast here while waiting for the flight.

Had a mug of hot Milo and ordered a bun of coconut pau. It was alright.

Arrived in Kota Bharu by noon. Dad rented a car and we went to town. We parked next to a Proton Preve. My first impression - it's a beautiful car, and looks comfortable to drive.

I liked how the state implement their parking system. Put coins inside one of these according to your allocated time. Much better than the system they use in Johor where you need to buy a ticket separately, and scratch the tickets manually everytime you park a cark. It's a hassle.

A rickshaw driver. How rare to see nowadays. I used to rode them with my aunt when I was little. That was long ago. In Muar where I used to live, all these rickshaw drivers are homeless. The bike is where they eat, live and sleep.
I would't be surprised if that's the case with this uncle as well.

Stopped by Pasar Siti Khadijah. I liked how clean the market is. You can't help but notice the majority of the sellers here are women. Makes the market's name quite fitting.

The second floor is filled with tradisional Malaysian food.

Stopped by the always packed Kak Ani Sup Perut. Ordered 2 bowls of Kuew Teow Sup. One for me and one for dad. I'll always make sure to stop by here everytime I'm in Kota Bharu. We also ordered ABC. The ABC was so-so, it was too sweet and plain for my taste.
The soup tasted much better the last time I was here.

But try to eat at this place if you ever step foot here. I recommend it. We drived to Besut next.

We arrived late in Besut, almost near dusk. Visited my grandmother's grave. She passed away in March this year. Al-Fatihah.
My village is very near to the sea. You can see the sea by the window. This hut is where me and my cousins used to do barbecue when we were little. It was what, 13 years ago? I was 9 years old back then. How I treasure those memories.

Never met my grandfather nor do I ever knew his face. I'm sure my father doesn' too as he passed away when my father was seven. With grandmother also gone, the house is now left completely empty. There's complete silence all around.
The house is also slowly being devoured by termites.

The sea breeze is wonderful at night. Decided to continue reading Murakami under the beautiful moonlight. I'm halfway through and so far, there are many scenarios which I can relate to. He really excels in his characterization.

We moved at dawn.

I think 'm getting sick of flying. Fortunately the weather's nice, look at the blue sky.

The flight was only an hour long. I listened to lots of David Hodges lately. He's a former member of Evanescence and the ex-boyfriend of Kelly Clarkson. The Silence, Shattered and Icarus are all equally amazing - the man himself considers Shattered as one of his most proud work. They are not exactly mainstream music though so it might need a few listen for the songs to click.
He's a brilliant songwriter as well. Give Stitch by Stitch a listen.

Arrived at LCCT. Took a taxi to Bandar Tasik Selatan next. Snapped this picture while my father looked for a taxi.

We took a bus back to Johor Bharu. It was raining half way through. I fell asleep and next thing I knew, I was home again.